Thought for Thursday: What ski area is the highest in the United States?
Come back tomorrow to find out the answer. But first, take a guess.
And now, this is one of those things that makes you say, "HUH?"
I told you all how Portland is one of the top ten places in the country where you can walk around the city, well now they say Portland is the unhappiest place on Earth, according to Business Week. Huh???
How can this be? We have the riverwalk, the Esplanade. Portland is beautiful, an hour to the snow covered mountain, Mt. Hood, one and a half hours to the beach, 2 and a half hours to the desert, and we are smack-dab in the valley, with the Gorge being famous for windsurfing. How can anyone be unhappy here?
7 months ago
Oh, I know. The question was posed at the unhappiest time of the year. We all have relatives in Southern California, or Arizona, teasing us now about their sunshine. We're also unhappy that our water table is down this year. We have no sun and no water. And, and, we don't see anything in the stimulus bill that helps us with either problem
Is it Mount Hood? Or somewhere in the Rockies/Colorado? We could cheat and go to Google before we post?
I want to know who gets paid to find this information out...I mean if you are looking for the happiest place, do you go the bars and talk to the people who have had a little too much to drink and if you want the cleanest toilets, do you only go to places that haven't opened up yet????
I want to get paid to do these 'polls'...grin...
On what basis did they make that call? I always thought Oregon sounded like a wonderful place to live--so much to see and do! I mean if you want to talk depressing, pick any location in Arkansas or West Virginia, right?
I'll grant you, Portland gets its share of rain, which could make a body somewhat blue now and again, but the UNHAPPIEST place to live. I just can't believe it. It's too pretty there. Strange. How many people were surveyed?? Was it a random sampling?? Were they even from Portland???
Who compiles these surveys, and who do they ask? :)
Wow! I really do wonder how these surveys are compiled...
I am not a skiier, but my guess is somewhere in Colorado :)
Portland is a beautiful city. The views, the water, buildings, the people. Period!
Mt Hood? I think I have heard that somewhere? Portland perhaps :).
Those surveys crack me up. No one ever asks for my opinion.
Hey Kim -- just stopping by to see the blog & to thank you for entering the Pon ARC contest. Great stuff going on here! I'm enjoying the look around.
I had "dessert" instead of desert - you know what I was thinking about: chocolate. The mind plays so many games on us.
Portland does get more than its share of rain - but, if we didn't, it wouldn't be so pretty here.
Brenda: I'd love to get paid to take surveys - too bad they won't pay me to do it.
Rena: No one ever asks my opinion-wonder why ;-) maybe 'cause I have too many.
Alex: Thanks for popping over here too.
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