Check this out and see how savvy you are when it comes to eating out in the world.
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But don't forget to come back and tell me how you scored.
I only got 6 out of 11 - guess I need to travel more.
7 months ago
I got Spain wrong. I swear I don't remember being encouraged to dump my crumbs on the floor after eating there.
Martha: That's what another girlfriend told me too. So, I guess we'll just have to visit Spain again
to see for sure
6 out of 11 for me...I missed the one about the left and right handed fork...and I'm left handed! quiz
7 out of 11 here. Some of those answers, I never would have guessed.
Dang! I got 4/11. Not fair! When is the next challenge?
Thanks for playing gals. It's always fun to learn.
I got 6 out of 11 too. But then, I haven't traveled out of the U. S. Some of the answer I actually knew, others were a pure guess.
I'd have trouble in Spain throughing my trash on the ground...Come to think of it...I'm not sure I'd want to eat at a place that had a lot of trash on the ground either.
7 out of eleven...I need to travel more, that is obvious! :)
I got 9 out of 11 but guessed on 2 of them. I'm ready to travel! I picked throw everything on the floor as a joke and it was right!
I only got 7!
I got 8 - but I live in Europe - so not so tricky for me. I think the question about chicken in England is wrong though. I'm from the UK and NEVER was given food without utensils in anyone's home, and even in KFC people ask for utensils - no-one cares what a KFC chef thinks - they just want to eat food without getting their hands greasy.
It's interesting to see just how pervasive memory has become in our everyday lives. It seems like everytime I turn my head, I see something with a card slot or USB jack . I guess it makes sense though, considering how inexpensive memory has become as of late...
Ahhh... who am I to complain. I can't get through a single day without using my R4 / R4i!
(Submitted from Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] WhatPost)
How can P57 (and Hoodia Gordonii) really curb overeating to so much a great limit? Obesity is a new disease affecting millions of people through out the world particularly in the developed countries. The Hoodia plant, or Hoodia Cactus, grows in a remote part of the South African Kalahari Desert in the countries Botswana, Namibia and Angola.The natives to this region have eaten this Hoodia Cactus for centuries to fight hunger while they were off on their long hunts.
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