and Jake

have been working on a graphic novel together even though Luke's away at school (the University of Oregon). Plus, the two of them put together an on-line comic strip. I just thought I'd share my sons' on-line comic link.
If you're not easily offended by boy humor, check it out here.
(P.S. I don't know why Luke's photo is so much bigger...honest)
Wow! Handsome young men. I know you're very proud of them.
Bet they got their creative genes from you!
Jean Hall
They are soooooo cute! Aren't you the proud Mommy! Ok I have to tell you the bathroom one cracked me up so bad! That is hysterical!! Oh my gosh! They should submit that one it was so funny!
Great sense of humor. Lots of talent.
Very handsome sons you have...and quite talented also...
Thanks gals - of course I think they're gorgeous. My favorite one is The Thing (the stone guy) from Fantastic Four.
Wow! Thanks for sharing your (handsome) sons' website. Your family is SO creative! Funny stuff!
Thanks Kelly. 'Course I love 'em.
Handsome fellows you have there! Now to visit their link!
Those are great, Kim. I loved the smoothie one with the extra cherries.
Cool dudes.
I've been meaning to thank you for some time, Kim, for introducing me to their website a while back. Very funny stuff, and of course right down my alley! :)
I wish them all the best of luck. That's truly amazing that you have two sons that are not only creative, but who can work together so well too! A testament to their mom, no doubt.
Thanks everyone. I'm proud of them.
David: Luke and Jake have been best friends since Luke was born. Poor Kara sometimes feels left out though :(
Kim, I can only imagine how hard you must laugh when those two are together! I think it's great that they are so close. Did they do the art work too?
Amy: Jake does the artwork - although Luke is a really good artist - but Luke is majoring in journalism, Jake has his degree in multi-media design - so they work it out together.
Luke is always a kick - Jake is his straight man. No kidding. They are hilarious together all the time - that's why I miss them so much when they are away. But, Luke is home for the weekend. Came home for a friend's 21'st bday party and we're all going to see Watchmen today. :)
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