READING THE BIBLE-1st Kings Cptr. 2

King David's Successor: Solomon

The Legacy of Lust & Punishment of King David

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones. . . Reading the Bible

The Christmas story - Luke Chapter 2 - in the Bible


The Ark of the Covenant - Reading the Bible This Year

The Resurrection of Jesus is the Good News of the Bible

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ - Mark Chapter 15

What does God Say about righteous Anger? Read Mark 11

Divorce - What Does God Say About it? Mark 10

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mark 9

Demons, Dogs & Deafness - Bible Discussion Today

Jesus Walks on Water - READING THE BIBLE - Mark 6

Demon-Possessed Man Gets Healed - Mark 5 - READING THE BIBLE


A Story About a Giant Battling a Boy - David & Goliath


Mark Chapter 2 - Jesus Heals

Christ's Resurrection - READING THE BIBLE THIS YEAR

The Death of Jesus and Judas Hangs Himself

THE LAST SUPPER - Matthew 26 - Reading the Bible

DIVORCE-What does the Bible Say

The Supernatural Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

The Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

Jesus Walks on Water-Matthew 14

Curious about Demons? Join us as we Read the Bible

Forgiveness in the Bible



Curious What the Bible Says about Prophesy?

Reading the Bible - Revelation 17 - The Woman on the Beast

7 Angels & 7 Plagues - The Tribulation in the Bible

The Angel of the Lord at Bokim - Reading the Bible

666 - The Number of the Beast - READING THE BIBLE

Joshua's Farewell-Reading the Bible this Year

The Woman and The Dragon - READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR

The Two Witnesses for God - Revelation 11

The Angel & The Little Scroll - Revelation 10

Misunderstandings Can Start Wars - Joshua Chapter 22

Cities of Refuge: Joshua Chapter 20


The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 5

Revelation Chapter 2 - Angels, Stars, & the Future

Saturday, March 28, 2009

CONTEST: April is National Poetry Month - Let's Get Ready - With a Poetry Contest

April is National Poetry Month. And I thought I'd get us warmed up with a little poetry contest. So, be crafty and creative and win some cool prizes. Like a complete crafting package, filled with a cross-stitch kit, yarn, knitting needles, autographed books and more. Also, there will be many books to give away. The winners will be able to choose between some of the following choices:

The 2009 Writer's Market, 88th Annual Edition with over 3,500 listings of where and how to sell what you write
An autographed book of Cleopatra-Egypt's Last and Greatest Queen,
An Autographed edition of the grahic novel for kids: Babymouse, Beach Babe,
An Autographed edition of Heart of a Shepherd,
An Autographed Edition of the Award winning book by Carmen Bernier-Grand Frida, the art of Frida Kahlo; and
The Last Lecture, an inspirational story

Let's get ready for April by posting a poem in the comments section. Try to keep it to 10 lines or less. It can be any style, format and form.

I'm going to pick the winners on Sunday, April 5th. So, you'll have to come back on Sunday to see if you win. But take a chance, post a poem, and have a little fun.


Brenda said...

Okay...First, I am no good at poetry...but since I'm high on chocolate, I thought I would give it a try...

There once was a season called Spring
A time of the year when birds sing...

When the flower buds are a burstin'
And your hayfever is a worsenin'...

When leaves on trees turn green
And you get out your mop to clean...

When you spring forward and lose an hour
And then get rained on with April Showers...

There once was a season called Spring
A time of year we fall in love with everything

Kimbra Kasch said...

You are sooo wonderful to play along. Thanks Brenda!

Bish Denham said...

Here's a haiku.

The sky was cloudy
but I paused to look at it
and now it is clear

Kimbra Kasch said...

Great Bish: Thanks for joining the poetry party.

Rena Jones said...

Oh, I wish I was good at this stuff, but I'm not.

Birdie, birdie
In the yard
Birdie, birdie
Hit so hard

Birdie, birdie
Are you okay?
Birdie, birdie
You flew away!

Bahahaha -- see what I mean? ;)

Kimbra Kasch said...

I love it Rena especially since you're a bird rescuer.

Christina Farley said...

Can't write poetry to save my life. But I'll read what others have written. That would save you all from cringing.

Kathryn Fitzmaurice said...

Hi Kim,

Here's a simple Haiku. It matches my book, sort of!

Goodbye sweet swallow,
Fly free past the equator,
Back again next spring.

Thanks for inviting me to participate!

Jean said...

I don't consider myself to be a poet. But I find that attempting to write poetry is a great creative warmup exercise for me. Here is one of my attemtps.

Blessings, Kim.


In the quiet of the midnight
Hear the breathing cross the hall
Tiny inhale
Tiny exhale
Tiny rhythm rise and fall.

All can’t be bad,
I can’t be sad
When I pause to recall
The rhythm of your breathing
When you were very small.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Jean: Thanks for playing.

Jake said...

I figure I'd drop a poem as well.

a bed of flowers
unawares a single rose
catches my fancy

Cate Gardner said...

You are evil to drag me over here for this... Poetry scares me.

Iridescent colours cavort in the Cynic's garden,
gossamer wings beating purple and orange
above the stalks of abandoned summer.

Free in the air above sodden ground they tease;
as heavy boots slip in mood,
dislodging the last remaining rose petals.

How brief their summer?
A riotous fortnight
before eternal sleep in a glass case.

But first, to the catcher's net.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Jake and Catherine: Thanks for joining in the fun!

Anonymous said...

I found some time
to write a rhyme
so in this contest
I could chime

The rhyme I wrote
Is this note
I surely hope
It gets your vote

Fun, fun, Kim! Thanks for getting us started on the write foot (ha ha ha--write, foot, meter...okay, I'm leaving now...)

Barry Napier said...

Awesome contest idea. Here's my entry:

As the doctor writes, he listens to the scracthing -
like an animal trapped inside a crate.

The doctor writes in sloppy
indescript script that translates his death.
He takes the form and all he sees is a myriad of broken polygons—

a handwriting like
cliffs and ragged angles,
as crooked as the backbones of devils that never learned to stand.

Bob Schechter said...


You do not get to pick your eyes,
hazel, brown or blue.
You're stuck with the eyes you're born with.
And yet they're right for you.

You do not get to pick your chin,
your fingers or your toes.
So tell me why should it be true
you get to pick your nose?

Morning Scribbler said...

Hi Kim,

Thanks for hosting this fun contest! Here's my limerick:

There once was a man from Eau Claire
Who took his friends up on a dare
They asked him to spread
Depilatory cream on his head
And now he has lost all his hair


Adrienne said...

Here's another sign of spring, in haiku:

two ducks drift and bob
soaking up the good life in
the neighborhood pool

Diana Murray said...

Thanks for a fun contest, Kim. There's some great stuff posted. Some are hilarious.

Today at the Museum

It’s the square head,
squiggle hair,
eye here,
eye there,
two noses
in a row,
crooked mouth,
Picasso show.

Mary Witzl said...

Oh boy -- I've got dozens of these lying around and NO ONE ever wants to hear them! (This one has British-isms because I submitted it to a competition in the U.K. It sadly did not win...)


I don’t want my chicken, potatoes or peas
What I like is donkey brains broasted, with fleas.
Spaghetti with meatballs? No thanks, not for me --
I’m having boiled boogers and cobwebs for tea.

Baked beans on toast? Yuck! I’m not touching that
When I can have snake-guts and worms a la rat.
And pizza? No way – put it back in the box!
I’d rather have bat wings and slug slime on rocks.

I won’t eat your carrots, your mushrooms, your eggs --
Bring me fried cockroaches, steamed lizards’s legs!
And take back your fish fingers, take back your roast --
‘Cause I want fresh centipedes, crushed up, on toast

Tee Brown said...
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Tee Brown said...

Hey Kim--Happy Poetry Month!
Here's one I call "Now I Lay":

Sounds of darkness gather ‘round
I hear you, I won’t make a sound

Whistle softly gentle breeze
Shimmy, shimmy stirring leaves
Back and forth

Waiting, fading, floating high
On a cloud that’s soft and white
Wrapped in warmth

Colors, vivid, swirling past
Pictures moving slow, then faster,
Going, going…gone

Sounds of life and sounds of grace
I hear, as light shines on my face
One more day

banana_the_poet said...

Day’s Eyes

Today we are brought to a house on a hill,
we sit in the bedroom perfectly still
It’s quiet in here for the owner is ill
so we sit and wait on the windowsill.

Outside, clouds float in the sky,
the world drifts past and blackbirds fly
whilst we sit here as time ticks by,
watching him watching us - quietly die.

Today we die a little more,
become less lovely than before,
we try to drink but cannot draw.
We scatter petals on the floor.

Pollen sheds from us today,
a man in black stops by to pray,
Our owner quiet, still, and grey,
his wife says ‘take those things away’.

Today we are brought to the tip on the hill,
fragrant in the rotting spill,
we lie with the rubbish, perfectly still,
but making seed with all our will
to blow and grow on many hills.

This is actually a shape/concrete poem - when it is formatted so as to be centred - it forms the shape of a flower vase. I couldn't get the comments system to accept the html to do that though - sorry.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Only a couple more days . . . I can't wait!!!

Ben Clanton said...

In the night they come.

They creep! They crawl. Jump and hop! They slither and sneak. They slink! They slide! They glide! Off to the Monster Ball!

Some tiptoe and others stomp.
Some trudge and others tromp.
There are those that creep and those that leap!
Off to the Monster Ball!

This one strolls. This one rolls.
Off to the Monster Ball!

They come from under your bed.
They come back from the dead.
They come from under the ground
Where only worms and dirt are found.
They come to the Monster Ball!

And at the Monster Ball, in Monstropolis Hall,
They dance! They prance! All at the magnificent Monster Ball!

And when the night is through,
And when the day is new,
They creep! They crawl. Jump and hop! They slither and sneak. They slink! They slide! They glide! Off to bed.

Kelly Polark said...

A cinquain poem for you!

Worry, lay-offs, closings.
With coupons in hand, I wait and
I hope...