Wasn't it just Christmas?

Now, Valentine's Day is just around the corner and the time has come to change out my decorations.

The transformation has begun

How 'bout you - are you ready for the next wave of holidays - Valentine's and St. Paddy's?
Posting about words, writing and a writer's life.
I won't take Valentine's Day seriously until they come up with Valentine carols. Though I have to give it props for the chocolate.
Time does fly. I have a hard time catching up with the holidays because I'm still living a whirlwind w/ 3 young kiddo's and all of our birthday seem to hover around the holidays as well. I'd really like a pool, a floatie and a nice cool drink about now. I'm pooped! :0)
We only decorate for Valentine's Day a little--then it's straight on to spring for us!
I'm still trying to catch up!
Gorgeous house by the way - dog and all! Picture perfect!
I do have my one Valentine's Day decoration hanging up! (But I also have three Christmas decorations to take to the basement that have been sitting on my dining room table for weeks!)
Your house looks lovely!
Kim - I'm SO READY for Valentines Day. Not because of what it stands for, but because this year - that is when Chinese New YEar is and we can officially say Sayonara to the Year of the Stinky Cow/Ox! And Hello Tiger!
No Valentine's decorations for me. It still feels like I just took down the Christmas decorations! Love the pictures of your house, BTW.
I'm never eager for Valentine's day... it makes me a year older!
I'm ready for Valentine's Day...I think...grin...Hubs isn't the most romantic, so I tend to plan those types of things...He takes the holidays like Ground Hog Day and Flag Day...grin...
Lily: What a LOVEly day to turn one year older :)
Thanks for the kudos on the decorations but I'm just getting started.
Ello: A tiger will always win out over a cow. ;)
You have such a pretty house, Kim.
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