I'm a craftaholic. I love trying new things - especially at holidays. And I found these FREE stencils for pumpkins on BH&G webpage.
If you try these, please let me know so I can have a peek at your pumpkins.
Happy Carving.
7 months ago
I'm the anti-craftaholic, Kim. But these look way kewl! :)
I must somehow cajole my wife into trying this out for the niece and nephews. I'm useless at the visual creative arts, I'm afraid.
I'm going to try at least one of these stencils. I love 'em. Take pictures if you and your fam do 'em
Wow--about the only craftacular thing I CAN do is free-hand carve jack olanterns. I'm pretty good at it, too.
GG: That's a skill not merely a craft - you could go on Food Network's Challenge Carving Pumpkins - wish I had that talent to pull out of my back pocket and impress people with.
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