Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

EZ Cooking Craft for Kids

Butterflies, Dragonflies and cupcakes? What could be better?

Almost nothing.

Here's an EZ cooking craft for kids. Just make a batch of cupcakes, and one small bread loaf pan cake. Place them on a flat platter, baking sheet or even wax paper. Arrange the loaf/cake as the head, the cupcakes as the body, and use licorice whips to form the wings. Pour a caramel glaze into the wings, (which you can make with brown sugar and butter, melted slowly in a cast iron pan), then use rolo candies for eyes and you have a dragonfly. When you've eaten the loaf, just downsize the cake into a butterfly.

I used to make all sorts of things like this for the kids, when they were little. And they and their friends just ate it up ;)


Christina Farley said...

I love it! So fun and creative.

David Batista said...

Wow, I wish all kids could have a mom like you, Kim!

I'm so jealous of your children. :)

Anonymous said...

Anything buglike is a hit at my house!

Kelly Polark said...

So cute and yummy!

Rena Jones said...

That's really cute, Kim! That's one bug I wouldn't mind being in the house.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Thanks guys - but not all my projects turned out so well. I remember trying to make a roll-up pastry with the kids - using flour tortillas. No one would eat it, oh except one of Luke's friends but then he was like Mikey "he'd eat anything".

Angela Ackerman said...

Very cute. My kids are getting older, and so we don't make all the cute baking stuff like we used to.