Juices flow best without barriers. It’s true. Writers can get so focused on goals, limits, and restrictions that they can’t even write.
This horrible affliction is called: "Writer’s block" and it's an actual affliction that saps self-confidence from the best storytellers.
Setting goals is great. But don’t be so concerned about staying within borders – after all, walls are meant to keep things inside.
So, writing about something you know nothing about might be the surefire path to publication.
We all have things we’ve wondered about. Some people pay thousands of dollars to enroll in classes, later in life, just to learn more about these subjects. Why not offer this information to readers, in an article?
Editors are always looking for interesting stories. So step outside the box and take a chance.
Think back. Remember the exhilaration of jumping off the ledge into the deep-end. Writing should give you the same thrill. When you write about something you know nothing about, you’re taking that daring dive into the writing waters. So, just tell the story and you might get lucky and end up getting your feet wet in the wonderful world of publishing.
7 months ago
Great point! Sometimes I get caught up in all of my deadlines for my critique groups and other stuff of life that I forget how much I love to write.
Very good point, Kim.
I try to only set general goal for myself. Like right now, I want to have CS done being revised by the time I send my taxes in. I only have 13 more chapters to revise, so I can take my time and wander to other projects if my heart so desires.
I do usually stay in my comfort zone. It would do me some good to explore things I don't know about! (which reading blogs helps me a bit on that!)
I try to write as much as possible about other places/cultures in my stories. I've recently written stories that take place in China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and New Guinea. All of them save for the China one required gobs of research and additional reading to make sure I wasn't making any grievous cultural errors . . . but yeah, I've been practicing your philosophy for quite some time now, Kim!
Excellent post.
Christina: Critique groups are great - but I know what you mean. Deadlines :(
CH: Just the thought of tax time takes the desire out of my heart :( So much paperwork-I don't wanna do.
Kelly: I have made a few simple goals for this year: volunteer, take a class, etc. general out-of-comfort-zone things to help me grow.
David: That is soooo cool. I haven't written about any places like that, where I'd need to do a ton of research-so that's an idea. Thanks.
Great post, Kim. I love the idea of writing about stuff you don't know, and even more so, about stuff you don't even like. I did that with worms -- shudder!
Rena: You don't like worms...? But they're so cuddly ;)
Yes, sometimes we just have to get back to letting it flow and not making any other "rules" about it. I love to research new stuff, because there are stories there that we won't find if we don't look.
I agree. The unstructured writing life can sure be freeing!
That is why I think writers are such smart people . . . they have to learn about things. Lots of things.
How true. The longer I do this, the more I'm learning to be true to myself. This journey is quite a ride, isn't it?
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