WORD: Qwerty
Come on people, now, make a guess. It could be something like quirky only [w]eirder...
or a girl who's flirty and a bit of a drama [Q]ueen. I don't know...think something up. After all, most of us are writers-right? So let's write.
Pop back around 3:00 to see if you were "write".
7 months ago
To me it sounds like some old-fashioned piece of clothing, like a little knitted cap.
Oh Adrienne-I love that one. It does sound like a knitted cap-king of like a quilt but much smaller :)
Thanks for playing.
qwerty -- it has something to do with the layout of the keyboard. If you look at the top row of letters, you see it -- qwerty.
It's also the name of the computer on VeggieTales! :) That's about all I know.
I remember it from typing class, but that's about it.
I don't know...I am going to hazard a guess that it is has to do with sports! Like...and a qwerty goes to the opposite team! Hmmm. Where is my latin when I need it!
Jo: I love the sports guess.
Rena and CH: You 2 R way 2 smart 4 me.
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