READING THE BIBLE-1st Kings Cptr. 2

King David's Successor: Solomon

The Legacy of Lust & Punishment of King David

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones. . . Reading the Bible

The Christmas story - Luke Chapter 2 - in the Bible


The Ark of the Covenant - Reading the Bible This Year

The Resurrection of Jesus is the Good News of the Bible

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ - Mark Chapter 15

What does God Say about righteous Anger? Read Mark 11

Divorce - What Does God Say About it? Mark 10

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mark 9

Demons, Dogs & Deafness - Bible Discussion Today

Jesus Walks on Water - READING THE BIBLE - Mark 6

Demon-Possessed Man Gets Healed - Mark 5 - READING THE BIBLE


A Story About a Giant Battling a Boy - David & Goliath


Mark Chapter 2 - Jesus Heals

Christ's Resurrection - READING THE BIBLE THIS YEAR

The Death of Jesus and Judas Hangs Himself

THE LAST SUPPER - Matthew 26 - Reading the Bible

DIVORCE-What does the Bible Say

The Supernatural Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

The Ark of the Covenant-READING THE BIBLE

Jesus Walks on Water-Matthew 14

Curious about Demons? Join us as we Read the Bible

Forgiveness in the Bible



Curious What the Bible Says about Prophesy?

Reading the Bible - Revelation 17 - The Woman on the Beast

7 Angels & 7 Plagues - The Tribulation in the Bible

The Angel of the Lord at Bokim - Reading the Bible

666 - The Number of the Beast - READING THE BIBLE

Joshua's Farewell-Reading the Bible this Year

The Woman and The Dragon - READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR

The Two Witnesses for God - Revelation 11

The Angel & The Little Scroll - Revelation 10

Misunderstandings Can Start Wars - Joshua Chapter 22

Cities of Refuge: Joshua Chapter 20


The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 5

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15 seconds

Revelation Chapter 2 - Angels, Stars, & the Future

Showing posts with label Cupcake Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cupcake Wars. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I don't know about you but I love Cupcake Wars, Extreme Cake Challenge and even Halloween Wars. And, if you like those Wars and Challenges, you'll love Pitch Wars.

Just hop on over to Twitter and use hashtag #Pitchwars and join in Thursday.

This is for writers everywhere, a major opportunity is coming Thursday. It will include a chance to work with a mentor to help get your pitch perfect for agents.

I don't have all the details. Just check it out over on Twitter using hashtag:

And, Good LUCK to everyone who joins in and plays along. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cupcake Wars

I love Cupcake Wars maybe because I love sugary treats so much. At least that's one of the reasons why I'm making my own cupcakes and challenging myself -- I want to be bake and make them better.

This edible glitter is such a treat. It's so pretty and of course it's tasty too. Of course these little devilish morsels aren't so good for my diet because I'm weak when it comes to holidays and homey food. I'm just going to have a run a little bit more or maybe a lot more.

These ones were banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and I used some sugar sheets and fondant to make my decorations...well, that and the edible glitter.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love Languages

Everyone has their own way of showing love. There are five languages of love:

1) Words of Affirmation, 2) Quality Time, 3) Receiving Gifts, 4) Acts of Service, and 5) Physical Touch.

This week, I've had more than my share of love shown in the form of #3. My hubby and I got one large gift, a 42" gift as a matter of fact.

It all started out so innocently. My son and his gfriend asked if we could puppy sit while they went out on a Date Night. "Sure," we said. So, they brought over their little puggle-wuggle of love and we spent a couple hours playing with the little guy.

But when Jake and Jovan came back, they showed us that their date night was really spent shopping for a new t.v. for us when they gave us this giant flat screen t.v. I told them, "this isn't going to help my diet." And, not because I'll sit on the couch instead of going outside running. Nope, the problem is I see all that food on the Food Network in giant "enhanced" portion sizes. Now, it's going to be hard for me to eat my fist-sized meals instead of supersized 42" of yummiliciousness.

Watch out cupcake wars, you're going to look like an Extreme Cake Challenge on this screen ;)