Everyone has their own way of showing love. There are five languages of love:
1) Words of Affirmation, 2) Quality Time, 3) Receiving Gifts, 4) Acts of Service, and 5) Physical Touch.
This week, I've had more than my share of love shown in the form of #3. My hubby and I got one large gift, a 42" gift as a matter of fact.
It all started out so innocently. My son and his gfriend asked if we could puppy sit while they went out on a Date Night. "Sure," we said. So, they brought over their little puggle-wuggle of love and we spent a couple hours playing with the little guy.
But when Jake and Jovan came back, they showed us that their date night was really spent shopping for a new t.v. for us when they gave us this giant flat screen t.v. I told them, "this isn't going to help my diet." And, not because I'll sit on the couch instead of going outside running. Nope, the problem is I see all that food on the
Food Network in giant "enhanced" portion sizes. Now, it's going to be hard for me to eat my fist-sized meals instead of supersized 42" of yummiliciousness.
Watch out
cupcake wars, you're going to look like an
Extreme Cake Challenge on this screen ;)