When: Sat, October 18, 2pm – 4pm
Description: What,
Where and When: Ready to bring your writing and illustration skills to
The Next Level?
Whether you're plotting a novel or perfecting a picture
book, SCBWI Oregon’s professional series will give you tools to advance
your career.
Join us on the third Saturday of each month in The Annex at Tabor Space
on 5441 SE Belmont. Doors open at 2:00 pm, and speakers start at 2:30.
Doors open at 2:00; Session: 2:30 pm-4pm
ATTENTION from TaborSpace management: Parking has become a concern for
our neighbors. Please park in the TaborSpace parking lot on SE 54th. If
the lot is full, be very considerate of neighbors' driveways when
parking on the street.
Fees: This year we will be charging for this wonderful series—sorry, we
can’t continue to give the event to you free. Fees pay for the room
rental and speaker honorariums. But here are your options:
1. Purchase a Member Pass for $35 for the pass (nonmembers $50) by Sept.
17th, which gives you all 7 sessions… (This option will only be
available for a couple months.)
2. Preregister for each TNL event, $8 for members and $10 for nonmembers
by Sept. 17th for this month.
3. Register at the door and pay $10 for members and $12 for nonmembers
after Sept. 17th.
Topic: Picturebook Polka: the dance of words and images
How do we know which words are essential to tell our stories? How can we
create illustrations that expand on the story instead of just repeating
in pictures what is already written in words? And most importantly, how
can the two dance together to reveal the heart of the story? In this
workshop, we will look at examples of books that attain this balance and
those that miss the mark. Covering issues for both PB writers and PB
illustrators (and for those who do both.)
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