One of the control functions I use all the time is Ctrl + F
That is a shortcut for "find" a word. So if I'm looking for a name in my manuscript, I just hit Ctrl + F and type in the word I'm looking for. The cursor will pop to the place I'm looking for.
Another quick shortcut is Ctrl + G
That is a shortcut where I can type in the page number I want to pop to. So say I'm on page 1 and I want to go to page 146, I type Ctrl + G and then 146, WAHLAH, like magic I've been beamed to the coordinates I wanted to find.
Hope this helps you in your writing, revising, and reading.
7 months ago
Thanks for the tips! I wish I could get in the habit of using more of these.
I'm with Adrienne. I need to learn how to use the keyboard for more stuff.
So that's how you spell WAHLAH! ;) I tend to use some shortcuts very often, almost daily. But others that I don't use enough, I quickly forget.
Good tip. I needed this tip a few weeks ago! Will def. use it in the future!
That's really cool!
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