Let me explain.
Here's a photo of me someone snapped when I totally wasn't expecting it. I don't think I could have looked worse if I tried.

He was going to post this one if I didn't supply another picture. Come on, that wasn't a hard choice to make.
I had to take another one and quick:

So, what hard choices have you made lately: peanut butter or chocolate, heck why not eat both? EZ-smeazy decision making Kim's way. :)
Yesterday it was whether to make gingerbread of popovers. I made both!
Pop Tart or cereal bar for breakfast. Pop Tart won. :)
Last night I had to decide between sour cream or grated sharp cheddar on my baked potato. I did both. (Insert piggy sounds here.)
Wine or tea last night. Both.
Get out of bed at 5:20 and walk on the treadmill or sleep another half hour. Sleep won!
Hmm... Finish reading blogs or go outside in the bitter wind? Sometimes you have to do what you really don't want to do.
Cute pictures, Kim. You look nice no matter how the camera catches you. I guess my biggest choice lately is whether to get my aneursym checked out or not. Our insurance covers 75%, but it's still going to cost a lot. Ugh. That's tomorrow.
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