Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

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Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Sunday, October 26, 2008

TWILIGHT the movie - new trailer - courtesy of Fandango

Check it out here. You have to listen to a short (10 second'ish) ad first - but it's worth the wait.

Okay, and now for the younger kids, here's another fun EZ Halloween project to do:

You will need:

1) Cheesecloth (found in paint sections of stores)
2) Liquid fabric stiffener (most fabric/craft stores)
3) Wiggly eyes (found in craft/fabric stores)
4) Elmer's glue or some tacky glue
5) A tennis ball container or spray paint can

Steps to make ghosts:

1) Dip the cheesecloth in the fabric stiffener
(put a cookie sheet or cutting board underneath the tennis ball container or spray paint can for EZ clean-up)
2) Drape wet cheesecloth over tennis ball container or spray paint can
3) Let dry
4) Glue on wiggly eyes and hang up around the house


Cate Gardner said...

Cute ghosts.

I watched the trailer, though I shouldn't have as the book is still sitting on my shelf unread. :)

Brenda said...

Love it! I'm going to have to try this with the kids on the property...Thanks for posting it!

Rena Jones said...

Cute ghosts! My girls made those in school one year. Fun project!

I won't be seeing Twilight, since I'm not into the books at all. My oldest daughter read them, but I'm not sure if she'll want to watch the movie or not.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Rena: I love vampire stories but Twilight, IMO, is more of a romance. In fact, I don't remember anyone getting bit in that one. I could be wrong though.

The girls at work and I all read the stories (my sister and niece too) we're all going to the movie together on 11/21 - a girls' night - with a little romance. ;)

Kelly Polark said...

Adorable ghosts!
I have not read Twilight yet, but I do intend, too. I'm always behind the times. I am going to start the first Harry Potter tonight with my son! I've never read it!

C.R. Evers said...

ohhhhh! Those are so cute! :0)


Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Oh that's awesome! I would lie and say I am going to try this but I am not very crafty whatsoever. My kids have learned this the very hard way.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Ello: Severus . . . would have just lied.


Adrienne said...

I love these!

Rena Jones said...

Kim -- That's what my oldest daughter told me too, about it being more of a romance. She's 19, so she might go see it.

The last vampire movie I watched was "The Lost Boys", if you can believe that, and I had horrible nightmares. I was the original Dracula with Bela Lugosi all the time though. That's more my speed -- LOL!

Kimbra Kasch said...

Seriously Rena, it wasn't a scary book - much more about the relationships. But, who knows what they'll do in Hollywood.