Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Word Count for Writers

Writers are always wondering How Long their books should be. Really it's probably a little flexible based on the writing but there is one definitive source for words of wisdom on word counts: and here it is.

If you want to be safe, you should stay in the "acceptable" range. I know it's easy to fall outside the norm but don't give agents and editors a good reason to toss your pages in the trash. Edit, edit, edit until you fit the mold they're looking for.

Now, Happy Writing!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Who loves Mickey and Minnie? Everyone. But these mice are icons to little kids. And by little I'm talking about 4 and 5 year olds who want to go to Disneyland to have breakfast with the cartoon characters. So we are talking about VERY impressionable little ones here. And I'm saying this is just Crazy! I don't want to see a Skinny Minnie in Barney's window or anywhere, especially at Christmas. I'd like and really want to see a Fit Minnie - Not a Skinny Minnie - or anorexic image for our girls. I'd like to promote a healthy, happy, fit image for little girls. And, yes, I realize she's a mouse and a cartoon character but this is one that has been an icon for decades to our little ones. Let's keep her the way she is or make her FIT not cadaver thin.

Girls have too many unrealistic expectations put on them by the media as it is. Do we really want our little girls growing up with the idea that this is pretty, normal/natural or desired? I don't want girls thinking Thin is In - or that it should be. The message we promote to little girls should be Fit is It! Especially when we're expecting most Americans to be obese by 2030. Let's revolutionize the concept of beauty. We should strive for fitness not anorexia.

Israel did something right when they banned underweight models. Now if we could get everyone else to follow suit. 

Mothers unite, tell Disney we don't want to send this message to our daughters. Skinny Minnie should not be Disney's new image and Barney's shouldn't encourage it either.

Friday, November 2, 2012

PiBoIdMo - NaNoWriMo Alternative


Not everyone wants to write a novel. Some people want to illustrate books and others want to write picture books for kids. So this PiBoIdMo is an alternative to the National Novel Writing Month. This is Picture Book Idea Month. If you want to participate, simply click on this link and check it out.

If you think you can come up with one picture book idea every day during the month of November, then this challenge is for you.

It's not easy to be creative every day but no one ever said taking up a challenge, making a goal and working for it, or dreaming big were going to be easy. This challenge is like deciding to run a marathon, you're going to have to work toward he goal to get there. And you have to start somewhere. Why not have it be here and now? So get going.

Write now.  Jot, scribble, or scratch out those ideas you've had running around inside your the last few years. Who knows, once you get going you may end up with a book by the end of the month. And if not, you'll sure be closer to that goal than you would be if you never started.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1st means NaNoWriMo

I know, it's hard to believe. It's already November. Time flies... and as we turn the page (on the calendar) we start turning the pages in our soon-to-be books because it's National Novel Writing Month or more commonly referred to with that lovable, little, nickname NaNoWriMo!

Have you ever wanted to write a novel? Ever even thought about taking up the gauntlet, accepting the challenge, sitting down and Just Do(ing) It?

Well, like Mom always used to say, "There's no time like the present." And, "Don't Put Off 'till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today." So why not pick up the pencil, take out a page, and pen a little prose? You might find you love it. And, if not, what have you lost? A little time, yes. But the time will pass whether you're writing or not. And, who knows, you might become the next Stephen King, Shakespeare or Twain and end up on the list of best-selling fiction authors of all time. And even if none of that happens, you might make a few writerly friends you didn't have before. And the man who wins the game (of life) is the one who ends up with the most friends on his side. So, come on...remember what it was like to be a kid? Follow your dreams.

"Can you come outside and play?" It's time to come away to this writer's retreat smack dab in the middle of your crazy life at Camp NaNoWriMo.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Hoping you all have a frightfully fun Holiday Halloween!

This witch is actually a pretty lady: Lisa Martin making fun for neighborhood kids! Way-to-go Lisa

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Punkin Fun

I love Halloween and decorating the front porch for the kids. I like to make lots of different kinds of punkins and I don't make them scary I try to make them pretty, funny, cute or just kind of weird

This one is kind of weird

This is how I did it.

I found a pumpkin with a fun "nose" then I took some ping-pong balls and colored "eyes" on them. I carved out a couple holes to stick the balls in and then I glued some black Spanish moss on for the hair--WAH-LAH Super Simple pumpkin face.

My son wanted to make a pumpkin of his puppy, Faeden.

 And my daughter did a penguin.

How 'bout you? What type of pumpkins do you like to make?