I know, it's hard to believe. It's already November. Time flies... and as we turn the page (on the calendar) we start turning the pages in our soon-to-be books because it's National Novel Writing Month or more commonly referred to with that lovable, little, nickname NaNoWriMo!
Have you ever wanted to write a novel? Ever even thought about taking up the gauntlet, accepting the challenge, sitting down and Just Do(ing) It?
Well, like Mom always used to say, "There's no time like the present." And, "Don't Put Off 'till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today." So why not pick up the pencil, take out a page, and pen a little prose? You might find you love it. And, if not, what have you lost? A little time, yes. But the time will pass whether you're writing or not. And, who knows, you might become the next Stephen King, Shakespeare or Twain and end up on the list of best-selling fiction authors of all time. And even if none of that happens, you might make a few writerly friends you didn't have before. And the man who wins the game (of life) is the one who ends up with the most friends on his side. So, come on...remember what it was like to be a kid? Follow your dreams.
"Can you come outside and play?" It's time to come away to this writer's retreat smack dab in the middle of your crazy life at Camp NaNoWriMo.
7 months ago