Allium reminds me of giant wishes. They are so big and bold and yet so delicate. It's hard to believe they are from the onion family but they are. Just like the little white flowers. You wouldn't know, except if you break the stem and squeeze it, then you'll get a strong whiff of onion aroma.
These allium bulbs can be expensive but you can get a similar effect by buying leeks and letting them go to seed. And leek bulbs are about 25cents per bulb and you can buy them at any feed store.
I've planted a bunch of basil - different kinds - so I can make plenty of pesto this summer. I might even try freezing some - never have had any left before to freeze but you never know. Plus, I put in about three tomato plants because I can eat tomatoes like candy. I still need to plant some cucumbers and zucchini but there's time.
How 'bout you, have you got your garden going? I'll leave you with a few photos of some of the flowers in my garden.