Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Joshua Chapter 4

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Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tax Day - Time for Something Sweet

Tax Day is Time for something sweet. So I was making some more white chocolate dipped marshmallows that I added some sprinkles to.

Plus I made some glitter eggs. Sweet way to spend a tax day ;D

Running is a lot like Writing

Maybe you don't see the connection but I am determined to reach certain goals and whether it's a chapter or a half marathon, it takes the same set of skills to get-er-done.

I have to make time instead of excuses. And believe me, it's much easier to make excuses than to make time. When I run, I have to work it into my life and that means getting up earlier than normal so I can clock my miles. And when I write, I usually stay up later than I'd like so that I can reach my word count.

Both running and writing take determination, setting goals and perseverance. There is no substitute for "butt in the chair" time or "feet on the pavement" time. You can't reach your goals if you aren't willing to make a few sacrifices, which might mean less sleep or perhaps less t.v. time, but no matter what your goals are, you have to set some guidelines.

You can't just decide one day to go outside and run a marathon or tell yourself you'll write the next great novel, if you don't make time to put the hard work in.

So, if you want to run a 5k, 10k, or even a marathon - or write a story, a book or an article - set some goals and find the time to do the work to get you where you want to be.

If you don't, the time will slip past and one day you'll end up wondering never ran the race, wrote the book or did whatever it was you wanted to do. Because time stands still for no man...or woman.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Portland is known for it's scenery...even in its buildings

Its a colorful city

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Another Easter Wreath

First I start with a styrofoam form.

Then I add ribbon.

And feather boas.

Some plastic eggs

And a little Easter grass.

Then I put it on the door to take a peek.

But it didn't feel complete without a ribbon...well another one.

So I made one.

And I was finished.

The Glass Castle

Jeanette Walls The Glass Castle was an interesting story. It's hard to believe it's true. This is the story of a very dysfunctional family. The mother is mentally ill and the father must have been a little too. He was an alcoholic but it would have taken more than that to live with this woman. She had money and a lot of it yet she let her children starve and never took care of them at all. In fact Jeanette caught on fire when she was cooking hotdogs (at the age of 3).

There was one wild story after another about this family and the crazy things they did. So, if you don't want to hear a sad story about the mistreatment of children, then this isn't the story for you. But, if you'd like to hear how children can overcome adversity and rise above their upbringing, then this might be the story for you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

DIY Library

There's an odd spot, behind a chimney, in our house. It's never been used for much of anything except for storage until now.

Now, my husband is reworking the area (with the help of his brother) and creating an entirely new space. Together they have framed in the odd angled walls and slopes and are building me some hidden benches behind the chimney, where I can put cushions and pillows, and they are creating shelves that will store my books. So this odd unused little corner will soon be my very own reading nook - or in my mind, at least, a tiny little library.

And, I'm so excited.

Just wait until it's finished. I can already picture it now. . . it's going to be beautiful.

Monday, April 7, 2014

ReWilding the Apex Predators

Last week we went to see an Oregon Wild presentation. It was the Wild Things movies. No, this wasn't the Maurice Sandek movie of Where the Wild Things Are. It was about apex predators and how they are being driven from our landscape.

These animals include the bear, wolf, coyote, cougar and they are disappearing. The movie talked about ways to live with these "beasts" without killing them.

It was an interesting movie and it is definitely worth seeing.