It's a cute book about Max and his journey to another place: an island filled with wild animals. On this island everyone joins in the fun: a wild rumpus. Which I pictured as a dance more than anything else. However, in the movie, the wild rumpus was short-lived and the story grew to all sorts of lengths and went to all sorts of ends to say something about family and relationships-some which are dysfunctional.
Somehow the movie was too dark for me. And this coming from a fanpire. I love zombie and vampire movies but then I expect dark. Here I was expecting fun and the film was short on fun-at least for me.
My son loved it. Of course he's 25. And I did agree with him that the characters were absolutely perfect in their graphic creation. They looked just as I would have imagined they would. So that part was perfect. However, I was looking for a wild dance, a journey of fun and exploration. Here, the story seemed more about relationships to me.
Somehow, I think it lost its fun in the translation from the written page to the big screen. But that's just my opinion.
Anyone else see it?