Reading the Bible-The Division of land of the Children of Israel

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CHAOTIC TIMES - READ the Bible with Us for Peace

Join Us As We Read Through the Bible This Year

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Lies, Trickery & Deception

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Ai Destroyed

READING THE BIBLE IN 1 YEAR: Joshua 7 - Greed, Theft & Punishment

Reading the Bible- Talking about Atlantis, Math & More

Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Useless words

I usually do a word for Wednesday post but this past week my son and I were out to lunch and talking (guess what about???) ...yep, words and the ones that might seem a little redundant or - and I love words - but there are some pretty useless ones in the English language. Now, word lovers, hear me out...

Irregardless is a pretty useless word. I mean, after all, regardless means having or showing no regard - according to and irregardless means regardless. . .

and what about

Reiterate...that's another fairly useless word.

After all, what does iterate mean? According to my old friend again, it means to repeat again.

And what does (re)iterate means...why the same exact thing. It means to repeat again.

If you don't believe me, check with my old friend and you will see. Re-iterate is a useless word.

How 'bout you . . . any pet peevish words that seem a little useless to you? Share 'em in the comments section and help us all learn a little more about the language and become better educated.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eye Candy

I'm thinking of eye candy . . .

And not this kind (even tho' he is my fav actor...and the man can sing - which only amplifies his appeal to me) but no - not this time - I'm thinking of real eye candy or something that makes eyes look a little better (while they help a person "look" or at least "see" better too).

Now, I have my idea of appealing and probably everyone in the world has a different idea...except when it comes to Gerard Butler of course. I think everyone (or at least every woman) would agree with me when it comes to him...I mean just look at those baby blues..that's what Frank was singing about...or, maybe he wasn't but what the heck, I can think of GB when I hear the swoonster wailing about those baby blues...because of course my hubby has brown beauties. But I digress from the point here - lingering a little too long on GB...

Anyway, I lost my fav pair of glasses (out on a run). My backpack ripped open (only time it has ever happened) and my glasses were lost forever. So, I had to go get some new spectacles so I could see again.

Here are the choices  I had to choose between:

My conservative look:

My whimsical look:

My in-between the two look:

My sporty look:

So ... I couldn't make up my mind...

My family all didn't like my whimsical look...So, which one do you think I got?

 Really...what do you think?

Well, I had to be true to me.

The glasses I loved the most of all are the whimsical ones ;) ha! That's the only way to be true to me. And, I'm not going to be told what not to wear. Not even if my kids laugh at me and my husband rolls his eyes. I love my Ziggy glasses.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Manicures and Margaritas

It was Cinco de Mayo and give me a reason to celebrate and I will definitely make an effort.

I had to have margaritas and. . . well why not...margaritas and manicures and . . . facials?

It was a fun afternoon of soaking feet, and pampering hands while sipping on a few different blends of margaritas.

My daughter and I wanted to add a little beautification to the process so Wah-lah Elphaba look a likes :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Sometimes people look alike, sometimes words sound alike and sometimes twins can seem confusing. With human twins, you might think you're seeing double and with word twins you might not know which word to use.

A couple examples of Word Twins:

Like Accept and Except

Accept is to take, receive or approve. Except is to be excluded. They sound so similar and even look alike but they are very different.

Affect and Effect. This is one pair of words that can be seriously confusing.  Affect is to influence or to create an emotional response. Effect is the result or to "take effect" which is to become effective.

I hope this helps you when it comes to worrisome words and confusing twins.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sasha and her new bandana

Every morning Sasha begins the day talking to me. I don't know if you remember Scoobie Doo but I swear they got the idea from a husky. Sasha talks almost as well as Scobbie...seriously. And Kara likes to dress her up like a little girl with her pretty bandanas that highlight her eyes.

Isn't she pretty?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Designer Fabric

My front yard benches are a nice place to sit and chat when a neighbor walks by but last year Sasha ate my bench cushions. So, I needed to recover my cushions and there just happened to be a fabric sale this weekend. Wheee-----perfect timing for once.

So off I went to the fabric store to pick my pattern. But . . . all the choices. Should I pick blue? Yellow? or perhaps a color that would hide the dirt...but that wouldn't be "sew" pretty ;)

I spent a long time wandering the aisles trying to pick my fabric pattern...but there were polka dots, strips, and even Victorian designs. In the end, I went with a Better Homes and Gardens fabric that reminded me of spring. . . now if only the rains would stop.

To cover the cushion, I started with the foam and the fabric spread out on the floor. I had to find a lot of room to see what I needed to do. I laid the fabric and the foam out so I could cut it to size.

 Then I sewed it together. I thought it turned out pretty colorful and it will definitely feel so much better on my behind. Now I just need to make some pillows and get a fresh coat of paint on those seats.