Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Not everything in life turns out. It's like fiction...and writing.

I was trying to make a bracelet out of my old Starbucks cards. I thought they were plastic. . . right? So, I could shrink them into perfect bracelet charms (do any of you remember shrinky-dinks?)

Well, I tried.

I took my cards and laid them out on wax paper

I punched a hole out so I could string them on a braclet
Then I baked them at 350.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

But, just because that idea was a complete and utter failure doesn't mean I won't try another project.

It's kind of like writing. Just because one story is rejected doesn't mean I'll give up on writing. Why would one failure have to reflect on another?

I'm not going to give up. I'll keep trying to put my words into stories and my ideas into crafts.

Monday, January 16, 2012


I know it's MLK weekend but there was another celebration going on here in town too. It was DAVS DAG

DAVS Dag is a Danish cultural celebration here in Portland. It's a time when Danes get together and speak in their native tongue and eat their customary foods--which means a lot of open-faced sandwiches and Schnaps...and beer and REAL Danish pastry - not the American abomination called "a Danish". A true Danish pastry is very similar to French pastries, they are light and flaky and oh so yummy.

Schnapps is a traditional drink that Danes drink. They celebrate by raising their little glasses and saying "SKOL", which is similar to when we call out "Cheers!"

"Schnaps" is a strong distilled alcoholic beverage. The English word schnapps comes from the German word "Schnaps". It can mean any strong alcoholic drink but usually refers to those containing at least 64 proof.

And, let me tell you, it may be served cold in a brick of ice, but it definitely warms you as it travels down your throat.

DAVS means Danish Ancestry Vintage Society. And DAG is translated to Day so it was the Danish Ancestry Vintage Society Day.

And no Danish celebration would be complete without food and lots of it.

Here are a few photos from our Saturday celebration.

This was my plate of food (not quite on my Weight Watchers meal plan but . . . I'll just have to run)
Here was my husband's plate:

Here is the Krangle (pronounced Clang-ah) I had as my dessert. It is an almond paste (marzipan) pastry

We toasted the Queen--Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, the New Year, and sang songs . . . of course in Danish.

All-in-all it was a delicious way to spend a day.

How 'bout you, any celebrations for you?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Martin Luther King Day

Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by volunteering in your community.

This holiday celebration is meant to mark the birthday of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King is famous for speaking out against violence and calming people in a time of riotous rebellion. He became the spokesperson for nonviolent activism during a time filled with anger, riots and violence and helped bring peace in an aggressive time.

The call for a federal holiday in King's honor began after his assassination in 1968. It was Ronald Regan who signed the law making the celebration a holiday in 1983. It was first observed on January 20, 1986.

If you believe in his philosophy and want to have an impact, in MLK’s honor, try volunteering in your community. Here are a few options to volunteer in Portland:

• On Monday, Jan. 16, volunteers will converge on Earl Boyles Elementary School, 10822 S.E. Bush St., to clean, weed and remove plants in the courtyard. For more information, call 503-200-3355.

• The Clark Center, 1437 S.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., is looking for volunteers to help make a meal for residents on Monday, from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at its 90-bed transitional housing shelter for men. For details, call 503-200-3355.

• On Monday, Jan. 16, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., volunteers will plant 160 trees along the I-205 Multi-Use Path near the Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center, 9481 N.E. Sandy. Details: or

• Volunteers will gather at 10 a.m. Friday at The ReBuilding Center of Our United Villages, 3625 N. Mississippi Ave. to kickoff the Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend of Service.

• Celebrate the birth, life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. with a reading from his works, jazz gospel music and more. 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 15. Augustana Lutheran Church, 2710 N.E. 14th Ave.; free

Friday, January 13, 2012

Picture This

One of my best cyber gfriends, Jen On the Edge, posted a holiday challenge to take some photos of ourselves and post them on our blogs. Now, if you look around you'll see I have no problem with posting pictures of . . .pretty much anything from food, to clothing to even shoes and I never feel shy about being behind a camera. But...for some reason I hardly took any photos this holiday season with me in them.

However, my son's gfriend did a painting of me and my hubby (which I love) because it looks way better than I do. So I have no problem sharing it

But while I was browsing for a photo, I found this one that we took with some friends who were in town for the holidays and I love it because it's so many of my college buds that I always have to smile when I see it.

Run for FUN

Okay it might not sound like fun to you. But . . . I've been running to work this week and I'm really enjoying it. . .well, parts of it. The truth is it's very hard to get out of my warm cozy bed when I've been cuddled up to my hubby to brave the freezing cold breezes and the plummeting temperatures of Portland's wintery weather with nothing more than my running gear.

But, once I get going. . .

I'm in a different world. This must be what it means to "get in the zone". I can run and run and the world seems to become a better place... for a few minutes. Running clears my head and helps me get energized for work.

I'm sitting most of the day in a comfortable temperature controlled office environment so challenging myself to meet the environment head-on is invigorating.

Now, I've got to admit that I live on a mountain...a small one inside the city limits. But, when I run to work, I'm running downhill most of the way...they are a few inclines (and those are challenging) but most of the run is on a downward slope. So that's easier than what some people would have to face. Plus, it's only about 4 and 1/2 miles from my front door to my office. Another, not so bad fact.

I've only been running to work this week but I feel good about doing it. Not only is it healthier for me, I save money on gas, and I'm helping Protect the Planet by living Green.

And, if you're not ready to run, you might want to try biking to work, at least then you can coast on the downhill slopes :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shrimp Skewers

I was having a friend over for lunch and wanted to make something yummy but healthy at the same time. This is what I came up with:

Shrimp kabobs with soup and salad.

It was a healthy option.

How 'bout you, any ideas for healthy and yummy meals?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Word for Wednesday

Word for Wednesday
I was reading Scientific American the other day - yeah, I know, it sounds so surprising but I read that magazine. It makes science easy and that's the way I like it.

Anyway, like I said, I was reading and came across a word I was accustomed to but not familiar with. I've heard it all my life - but usually in another form. With this abbreviated version of what I was used to, I had to look up the meaning.

So, now it's time to show how smart you are - or aren't ;)

Guess what the word means in the comments section. No googling - that's cheating.

Word for Wednesday: Agonist

Do you know?

Now, after you've put your guess in the comments section - if you want to play, scroll down to find the answer...




1) A person engaged in a contest, conflict, struggle, etc., especially the protagonist in a literary work.
2. A person who is torn by inner conflict.
3. Physiology . a contracting muscle whose action is opposed by another muscle. Compare antagonist ( def. 3 ) .
4. Pharmacology . a chemical substance capable of activating a receptor to induce a full or partial pharmacological response. Compare antagonist.

ANTAGONIST is a blocking substance - sort of like in a book. The antagonist creates the conflict by blocking the action or reaction.

So, did you learn something? Or were you a brainiac and already knew all of this? :)