Reading the Bible in 1 Year: Joshua Chapter 4

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Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Friday, April 15, 2011

EGGscellent Easter Ideas that are Earth Friendly

(These eggs are colored using only beet juice left over after we ate the pickled beets.)

I decorate for every season - no matter if the kids are grown up or not. I love to see the ornaments, garland and yes eggs hanging around the house. But when I was growing up we didn't have much money for such eggstravagant things. Still Mom found a way for us to have fun and celebrate every occasion. We kids never realized we were so poor because of Mom.

We couldn't just run out and buy PAAS to dye our eggs. But it didn't matter because Mom used whatever she had around the house. It could be food coloring and vinegar but it was just as likely to be Beet Juice or Frozen Blueberry liquid. She'd even use coffee or tea to color our eggs. And, Mom had us write on the eggs with crayons before we dyed them to decorate them with our own creative ideas.

First we'd boil the eggs - preferably in a glass pan - but we'd use whatever we had.
Then we'd soak the eggs in their own special color in their own little dishes.
It's best to have the egg fully covered so it gets evenly colored but if your bowl isn't big enough, you just need to turn it every now and then.
And Wah-Lah! eggscellent edible decorations to help you celebrate the season :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Dances to Hip-Hop

And she's a better dancer than me :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Answer to Word for Wednesday

The Word: Concatenate
means to link together in a series or chain.

If you want to read more, check it out here.

Word for Wednesday - a Writer's Game

Word: Concatenate

Guess what it means. . . ? Put your guess in the comments section then come back around 3:00 to see if you were 'write' or wrong.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Huluing the Night Away versus Liquid Sunshine

I love Portland. I really do. But we spent the last week in Orlando and the last night at a luau. With wonderful food and entertainment, it was hard to climb back on the plane to come out of the 89 degree sunshine to Portland's pouring coldness. Still, I'm glad to be back home even tho' it sure was fun watching my hubby hulu his heart out up on stage with the beautiful young ladies who were giving him a few lessons--in dancing :)

Did any of you travel far away? Have fun doing something out of the ordinary?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Movie Review Monday - The King's Speech

We watched a couple of movies this week. The King's Speech was one of them. My husband loved the movie but, for me, it was a little slow. There were moments I enjoyed but overall it wasn't my type of sit-down and spend an evening doing (or watching) something, when I could have been doing something else.

However, my husband loved it. Thought he could watch it again. I wouldn't.

I did think the acting was done well though, which explains why it was nominated for a Golden Globe award.

Colin Firth won Best Actor for
his performance. So, maybe I'm a bad judge of Movies. Let me know your opinion. If you've watched it, let me know what you think.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Vinegar - More than Good Eats

Mom used to use all sorts of things to clean house that didn't cost much--if any--money. One of her all-purpose cleaners was vinegar. She used it with newspaper to wash the windows--or maybe I should say, we kids, used it to wash the windows. It was probably because she ran out of paper towels one day but she said newspaper cleaned better than cloth or paper towels. I trusted her and I still do. Plus, I love food and even watch shows about cooking, like Chopped, Extreme Cake Challenges, and Good Eats--so why not use something you love that's just sitting around the house to help with the work?

Vinegar mixed with water is a wonderful, non-toxic cleaner. You won't have to worry about it hurting your hands or your animals getting into the solution.

How 'bout you? Do you have any helpful hints for spring cleaning???