That might sound like a scary story and perhaps it even looks a little frightening from the shingle dangling over the door. But, those of you who know me know I love scary stories. So maybe the name played a small part in us (me, my husband and a friend) ending up at the restaurant on Tuesday night--instead of pilates class--enjoying a glass of wine (or two) and dinner, plus yes, even tho' I'm supposed to be on a diet, dessert.
The fare was unusual for me, even though this chef owned and operated restaurant boasts that it serves from the abundance of Pacific Northwest flavors. Maybe I'm the odd duck, or at least the odd Oregonian, who doesn't normally eat bison, rabbit or pork belly.

But, odd or not, it was a special treat going out to dinner in the middle of the week. The food was yummy and different. I felt a little daring taking a bite out of a bison.
And, if you're in Portland, you might want to get to Skin & Bones. I know, it sounds like a diet place - but, believe me, it's not.
Check out their menu here.
And, if you do visit Skin & Bones, let me know what you think.