Ten Honest Things About Me:
1) I hate house spiders;
2) I love chocolate;
3) I hate the smell of smoke;
4) I love ice cream;
5) I hate liver;
6) I love coffee;
7) I hate gory shows (except for horror films - okay, I know it's contradictory)
8) I love scary shows (Stephen King is an all-time favorite writer)
9) I hate split pea soup and pumpkin pie and I don't like apple pie either;
10) I love holidays - all of them!
Most of my "things" are about food - I wonder what that says about me. Maybe I need to go on a diet - thinking about food too much ;-)
I am supposed to tag seven people. But so many people have already been tagged, um, for those of you who want to play along . . . I'll say: 1)
Jean Hall, 2)
David Batista, 3)
Matt Holm, 4)
Teacher Ninja, 5)
Christina Farley - when she's back from holiday. 6)
Searching for a Hero; and 7)
Cindy Pon - when she's back from holiday