So, I ran my first marathon at 50! Now, I need a new challenge. So, I've decided to take on the triathlon. For anyone who doesn't know what that entails it's a swim, bike, run - in that order.
A friend told me she's going to do a sprint triathlon and I was like, "What's that?"
So, she explained it to me.
It's not a super-fast triathlon (which is what it sounded like to me) maybe I think like a runner...a sprint is ... well anyway, it's a short distance tri. And, I thought, hey that sounds like a good way to train for an Olympic Triathlon.
Now, I don't know where they come up with these names but an Olympic Triathlon doesn't mean you're training for the Olympics - it's just a distance that's ascribed to the event, much like the sprint not being a sprint but a distance. Anyway, I digress (again).
Anyway, (again) I thought I'd share a site that tells people a little bit more about sprint tris: so if you, like me, are training for a tri...look here to find out more.
7 months ago