Monday night we went for a ten mile bike ride. That might sound like one crazy workout to some. But, it's really just a crazy warm-up for Sunday. The Portland Bridge Pedal is just around the corner.
And, while we've done the Bridge Pedal before, in the past we've only been brave enough to ride over the six city bridges or 13 miles but NOT this year. We're stepping - or should I say pedaling - it up.
We're going UP 8 bridges - or 26 miles. That sounds like plenty of pedaling to me but my husband wanted to do the 36 mile ride. I wasn't sure about the extra 10 miles.
I said, "baby steps", maybe next year we can do the 36 miles and cross all 10 bridges. And, if you don't like bike riding or 13, 26 or 36 miles sounds like too much - there's also the 5 mile Bridge Stride. So, you can feel free to walk a five mile route and see the city from the top of a bridge or two. And, if you don't want to walk - you can always volunteer. Just an idea.
We don't mind doing the bridges more than once especially since the money goes to a good cause - or two of them. The beneficiaries are Providence Heart and Vascular Center, and the BTA or the Bicycle Transportation Alliance.
So, we'll be getting some exercise, seeing the city from a perfect vantage point and helping a couple good causes all at the same time.
What about you? Are you planning anything out of the usual for this weekend?
7 months ago