Coraline is one creepy kids’ book. And, I loved it.
Coraline’s life is sorta boring at least in her mind. She wants to be an explorer and have exciting things to do. Well, we’ve all heard the expression, “Be careful what you wish for – it just might come true.” And boy does it ever come true for Coraline.
There is a door in the drawing room that is “only for best”. Right away you know something’s wrong with a room that is “only for best”, ‘cause who calls something that any way? The words aren’t even right.
There’s a door in there that’s always kept locked. And, when Coraline asks her mother, “Where does that door go?”
She says, “Nowhere, dear.”
“It has to go somewhere.” Coraline doesn’t believe her but her mother proves her point.
The door swings open and it opens onto a brick wall – but that doesn’t last for long.
Later, Coraline goes back to the odd door and this time it opens into another house just like her own…except when you look a little closer, it isn’t.
She has another mother and another father but they aren’t the look-alikes they appear to be. Instead the other mother turns out to be…
Well, I don’t want to ruin the story for all you readers out there.
Suffice it to say that Coraline must use her brain to win this game, and a little trickery too – along with the help of a not-so-friendly cat.
This 163 page novel is a fun read and now there’s a 3-D stop-motion animated picture – that is currently on my “To-Do” list.