I'm a true Wannabe: Cake Boss, Ace of Cakes
Have any of you watched Cake Boss or The Ace of Cakes? I love 'em - but I hate 'em too.
Those guys are a bunch of frauds. They make that cake decorating look so EZ-smeazy that even I thought I could do it. But, if you've followed my blog maybe you might have seen my fondant FAIL. That cake was an absolute disaster. But I'm not a quitter--especially when it comes to food, just look at me and you'll know that's true. So what did I do. . . ?
I signed up for my first-ever cake-decorating class through Joann Fabrics. I know - who would have thought that a fabric store would have cake decorating classes, but they have that and more: knitting, crocheting, sewing--okay you might have expected sewing classes at a fabric store but you get my point.
So for the next four-weeks, I'll be doing my homework, reading my course materials and climbing my way up from that fondant fail floor to a final fondant rematch.

And with a little luck--or maybe a whole lotta luck--I might just be on my way to becoming the new Queen of Cakes;)
What can I say, my Mom taught me to dream BIG.