Angels...? We're Reading the Bible Today: Joshua 5

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: The Death of Moses

Generosity and Divorce are themes as we Read the Bible this year

Reading the Bible in 1 Year: History of the Children of Israel

The Nation of Israel - Reading the Bible in 1 Year

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkey Trot - I DID IT - That Turkey is Cooked, Over, Fineto

I guess I was hoping that running in that 32 degree chill would create some sort of thrill.

NOT at this Turkey Trot. Well, I did get a few chills and I saw a few spills.

They call it a “trot” but I think they got the lettering a little mixed up. It should have been called a tort…ure. Some of those hills were sooooo steep I felt like I should have been rappelling off of them.

This little 4 mile run was more like a masochistic maneuver mile(s) or at least not what I was expecting.

I can run 7.5 miles, so 4 miles should have been a “piece of cake” but it was more like a piece of humble pie that I was eating one agonizing footfall after another, on that icy path. Perfect for Thanksgiving…right? Maybe not for the two guys I saw slip and sliding next to me. One of them even went down. Some of us footfesting freaks even slowed our pace to make sure he was okay. He said he was so we ran on. Call us crazy—‘cuz me and my aching feet sure do.

Well, it did help me burn about 600 calories and help keep from packing more pounds on those already overburdened thighs of mine, as I ate another piece of pie—this time it was peach :) Plus, we (my husband, sister and I) helped raise some money for a few good causes...the Oregon Food Bank and the Oregon Zoo.

For any runners out there, check out this elevation map of the "trot"- just in case you want to run with me next year.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Movie Review Monday - Harry Potter - No Spoilers

I love going to see holiday films with the fam. Every year on Thanksgiving we've gone to see a "family" show. This year we had to go a little early because Kara had surgery and wouldn't be able to go with us on Thanksgiving.

Anyway, we went to see HP. There were lots of good "moments" with superior graphics and even a few thrills and chills but...

Overall, I'd say it was slow and disappointing. It appeared that the producers were stretching the book out just in order to make two movies out of the story. It went on-and-on, when I turned to my husband and said, "these 'kids' are wizards and witches with amazing abilities, so why don't they simply transport themselves to another place when they need to get out of a jam now?"

The question goes unanswered except to say that without conflict there is NO story.

But, my biggest disappointment was the ending. There was no resolution to anything in this portion of the story. It was apparently meant to be a prequeal to the real story, or the second part of the book-which I hope will be so amazing it will make up for the money I feel I wasted on this show.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. If you see or have seen the show, let me know what you think.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Kay Snow Writing Contest - Open to Submissions

Willamette Writer's founder, Kay Snow, is honored by this contest which was designed to help writers reach professional goals.

This annual writing contest awards one first prize of $300, one second place prize of $150, and a third place prize of $50 per winning entry in each of the six categories; fiction, nonfiction, juvenile, poetry, student writer and screenwriting. Student writers are awarded $50 for first place in three grade divisions, $20 for second place, and $10 for third place.

Find out more by reading the Kay Snow Contest Guidelines. A printer-friendly registration form link is available at the end of the guidelines. The deadline for the next contest is April 23rd, 2011.

Good Luck to all who enter!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Weekend!

This is a cute story to start the holiday with a forgiving heart. The turkey pardon has been a tradition since the Kennedy era.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Scan Fest

Mark your Calendar! December 4 & 5 2010
Celebrate the sights, sounds, tastes and traditions of a Scandinavian Christmas

26th Annual ScanFair
Saturday, December 4, 2010 ~ 10 am to 5 pm
ScanFair Dance, December 4 ~ 7:00 pm to 10 pm
This is the fifth year of the ScanFair Dance, sponsored by SHF and The Nordly's dance group.The dance begins at 7:00 with lessons for beginning dancers and ends at 11 p.m. Admission is free with proof of admission to ScanFair, or by donation.

Sunday, December 5 ~ 10 am to 4 pm

$6 adults, $5 seniors and students, children under 12 are free

Portland State University
Smith Memorial Center Ballroom, 3rd Floor
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Decorating Tip

If you're going to be decorating for the holidays and hanging lights around your house, you might want to consider buying some new low-energy lights. These led lights will stand up to more wind, weather and water--which are all abundant here in Portland, Oregon. Plus, they use less energy to light. It's an "energy-smart" decorating idea.

If you have any more ideas that will help save energy, post them in the "comments" section.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Sometimes we, adults, forget how much fun it is to cut, color and construct little paper pieces of art.

Well, I had an idea when I wanted to send a few thank-you cards this past weekend. I decided to make some old school cards to "Give Thanks". Here's how I did it--a little construction paper, wiggly eyes, feathers and glue. It was like being a kid again and a lot of feathery-fun.

Do you remember making hand-print turkeys?